3 Tips on Touring Your Motorcycle
3 Tips on Touring Your Motorcycle, Very Important for Bikers

Tips for Touring Your Motorcycle - Touring is one of the activities most liked by bikers. Many biker communities gather for long-distance touring such as out of town. Then is there any motorcycle touring tips if you don't have a community? Usually, people will be touring themselves when the season back home. Many migrants choose to ride a motorcycle because it is considered more practical and time-efficient. On the other hand, besides being more efficient, touring itself has several things to look out for, including various risks. For this reason, when going touring alone, it is necessary to pay attention to some tips touring the motor itself.
Touring the motor itself requires guts and careful preparation. As you know, the road has many risks, especially when traveling far away. Of course, you need various tips touring your motor to be able to minimize various unwanted risks. One of the most preferred tours, of course, is driving safety. Because, what's the meaning of a distance if safety is not considered. Of course, to be able to maintain the safety of fellow bikers who intend touring themselves need various tips touring their motorcycles. Well, let's look at various touring tips for you.
Check Vehicle Conditions
First and foremost motorcycle touring tips are checking the condition of the motor. Not only applies to old motorbikes, but motorcycles in new condition also need attention. We will not know what will happen during the trip. The possibilities can occur such as the streets are quiet and rarely populated, then your motorbike is stuck, of course, this is a pretty serious problem. So there is no harm in going touring to re-check the conditions starting from the engine, tire condition, lights, and others. Don't forget to bring the toolkit so it is safer and more comfortable when traveling if there are problems with the motorbike
Develop Touring Plans
The motorbike touring plan itself requires careful preparation because you are required to handle your motorcycle problems or other matters during the trip. For this reason, it's a good idea to determine the destination that you want to visit, whether only one place or several places at a time. As a precaution, you should prepare a route that must be selected. Although currently equipped with GPS, it is only an alternative. The most important thing is knowing the terrain and the route of the road. The important thing that is no less important during touring is funding. Yes, specify a rascal during touring so as not to lack. Make sure you bring enough funds to arrive at a good destination for food, entrance fees to the location (if tourist sites), etc. And don't forget to bring spare money when things happen that are not desirable. Like the condition of the motor that was suddenly badly damaged and had to be taken to a garage, etc.
Prepare adequate debriefing
Tips for touring the motor itself is the next briefing. This supply is not the bento or food that you bring during the trip but the equipment you need during the trip. As a touring biker yourself, of course, there is some equipment that you must bring because there is no one else you can ask for help. As we already know, touring a motorbike itself can be a long enough adventure that will affect physically and mentally. Well, to avoid mistakes or fatigue that you must carry in your motorcycle touring tips, including thick motorcycle jackets, gloves, vests, shoes, masks, and helmets. Other equipment that you need to bring include medicines, raincoats, sandals, clothes, and mineral water. And the most important thing is to bring complete driving documents starting from KTP, SIM, and STNK.
Similarly, motorcycle touring tips that you need to consider when touring the motor itself. In addition to the equipment that you need to pay attention to when going touring is knowing how to drive well including paying attention to traffic signs, driving at a predetermined speed limit, pay attention to other drivers both cars, buses, trucks, etc. and most importantly is to hold the ego to be able to budge if there are other riders who want to pass. Well, Begawei feels like the motorcycle touring tips themselves that need attention. May be useful
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